
Mart, 2012 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor


Nebraska Auto Insurance

Insurance terminology can be very confusing, especially when considering that every state has different insurance laws. Depending on where you live, you could have significantly different requirements than someone in a neighboring state. Be sure that your policy meets state standards, and consider purchasing insurance well beyond the state minimum requirements. Seek competitive quotes for your auto insurance, and find the policy that provides you peace of mind at the price you need. Auto Insurance Laws In Nebraska Nebraska takes auto insurance compliance very seriously. If you are caught driving without insurance, the state could suspend your license immediately. The requirements for auto insurance in Nebraska are similar to those in other states. Nebraska has mandates for minimum coverage. Drivers must carry at least $25,000 for bodily injury or death of one person, $50,000 for bodily injury or death of more than one person, and $25,000 to cover property damage in a single accident...

Personal Injury/Accident Insurance

Personal Accident/Injury insurance (PAI) is basically medical insurance—to pay doctors' and hospital bills if you're injured. It may also include compensation for such grisly possibilities as loss of limbs, eyes, ears, fingers, feet, etc. Not a pleasant thought, but losing them and then running out of money because you've lost them is even worse. On a happier note, you may already be covered for these perils. If you have doctors' and hospital insurance at home, check with the company that insures you to see whether foreign travel is included in the coverage. It often is. If you're adequately covered, you can probably decline the PAI offered by car rental companies (which is what I do). A car rental company's PAI may besecondary insurance, and thus wouldn't even pay up until after other coverage is exhausted. If you're already adequately covered by some other policy,why pay for PAI? However, PAI is not the same as trip cancellation or medical evacuati...